Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It is that time of year again, World Goth Fair opens up this evening at Midnight SLT, which is a perfectly appropriate time, I think.

Above is me wearing some of the goodies from myself and others, and its only the tip of the iceberg.  I'll add proper credits soon, but I'm not used to doing that, since well, I'm not a fashion blogger.

 So, above are the gacha prize for the event, 100% going to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation.  Base colours are 5 seablues, 5 greens, 5 golds, 5 reds, 5 purples, and 3 monochromatic.  Each comes lined and unlined.
 I've just recently started doing skins, and while I use a template for both male and female, I'm slowly adapting them for my own ends, as well as adapting them to work with each other more seamlessly.  For WGF, I've got Ice Age, a pale goth skin with a patch of ice crystals over one eye.

 Finally, the Love Like Blood Necklace with matching Earrings.  The necklace is pretty chunky, so it might suit a few guys out there, as well as us women who enjoy bold jewelry, like myself.  Okay, I enjoy jewelry, I like all things that glitter, sparkle, gleam, etc.  It comes in sets based on the metal, though the Earrings only have one metal; silver, so as to not cause allergies (As if!)

The metals are Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Hematite, which isn't a metal, but well, I'm a magical being, in a magical world, so it works.  And each package includes a light ruby, ruby and dark ruby version.

Anyway, come on down, enjoy the awesome work done by the organizers on making the sims absolutely gorgeous.  We're located on Port Seraphine, with our Gacha over at Cursed, in the Gothika Abbey.  And seriously, the sims are worth exploring just for themselves and all the wonderful merchants there.

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